Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Why is it so easy to laugh at someone, over something that the person has no control over? Even when the world is trying to teach acceptance and understanding, there are scores of people who find humor in another person's incapacity at a certain skill set. I am unable to fathom the thought process behind such an action.

Recently, at a gathering of friends, one very well educated lady thought she was relating a funny incident about her daughter, who apparently had spent a good deal of time working with a group of young adults with special needs... bless her heart! One young man from that group proposed to her one day, and she told her mother about it, probably just relating what had happened during the day. I know the girl, she is a very sensitive and caring young woman. The mother chose to turn the incident into a joke loudly proclaiming that her daughter's hand was sought for by a 'mentally retarded person'. This statement was followed by a hearty laugh. I was in the room and so were a lot of other friends who were extremely uncomfortable at this tactless attempt at humor. That's when she suddenly realized and looked at me directly and apologized at least thrice for the faux pas. I was in shock that I actually witnessed such an incident, and tried to stay as stoic as possible. I had seen a couple of faces that had initially found it funny but realized the political incorrectness of it all. It was not a moment that will turn into pleasant memory in future.

A friend once shared an article he wrote for a news magazine. He had narrated an incident in a subway, where young adults finally made a girl in their group sit in a chair reserved for disabled people. All the while, they poked fun at their girl friend and insinuated that she was disabled. They continued to pile their briefcases and bags on the poor girls lap for safe keeping because she had a seat and they were still standing. My friend standing nearby was stepping out at the next station. He made it a point to tell the group that ridiculing the disabled under the garb of humor was not alright!

I wonder when people will stop finding amusement in putting other people down. There is enough hilarity in everyday life without having to resort to awkward humor of this kind. Will people awaken to that!