Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Backyardigans

A surprise visit to the backyard this morning turned out to be very interesting. The hummingbirds have left for the season , and I was very disappointed that they had not allowed any decent pictures to be taken of themselves having a fun time on both the bottle brush bushes. Hurricane Ike tore one of the bushes in half, but there were flowers on the other half and and the other bush and the hummingbirds were having their field day. Every time I would step out discreetly, I would realize that it was not 'discreet' enough, much to my chagrin! All this fuss about being photographed, got me thinking they were scared of me. Then Ike loomed in the gulf and ominous forecasts sent me scurrying into the yard to pick anything that could be turned into a missile. I realized that I had accumulated plenty of missiles and it took time to get them all indoors. As I did this, these little guys were indignant that their space was being invaded. They did their angry dance over my head ordering me to leave them alone. I was indignant too.... hey... this was my yard and I could be there as long as I wanted. I admit I got the bottle brushes just so I could watch these little fellows frolicking in my backyard in the Spring and Fall, but the yard was still mine. That's when I knew that they were not scared of me, they just wanted their space and on their terms, and photography was strictly prohibited! Now they were gone after spending much of September and October in this area. I had not gone looking for anything in particular in the yard after putting all my decorations back up, since they were not going to be used as missiles anymore. This morning, my better half asked me to come look at a funny looking home on the rose bush. I went to look, and this is what I saw-

This weirdo was sitting there, guarding it's brood of about a 100 young ones. That was a neat little nest it had up there. I got out my camera and found it staring at me not quite knowing what to do. My plight was not very different. I was not sure how a bright green spider with spiny legs would react when a potential enemy was standing in front of it. It did let me take pictures of it (which went a little out of focus because I was scared it would jump out at me any minute). Right below this humble dwelling, was this lovely English rose.  

All things bright and beautiful.............

The Bottle brush Restaurant was not exactly going out of business because the Hummingbirds had left. The beautiful and graceful Monarch butterfly was a regular visitor. It had no dearth of company, what with the bees and wasps all frequenting the joint every now and then.

As I was trying to get close to the Monarch to get a good shot, something jumped out of the Asian Jasmine (Mogra) bush and I let out a scream. I had to laugh at myself soon after because it was the cutest and smallest little frog I had seen. It disappeared into the bush only to be seen again a little while later, lying in its hammock, enjoying the weather. Or perhaps waiting for a princess to turn it into a prince!

It was the smallest frog I had ever seen, it was not much larger than a Mogra bud.

All creatures great and small..................... 

All this drama right here in my backyard. I wish I went out there more often to see what a diverse place it was. I have decided I am going to spend more time there. The last few blooms of the bottle brush are putting on a show now, before going into the rest mode for the winter. It will be full of flowers in Spring, right in time for the Hummingbirds again. 

All things wise and wonderful, evolution made them all!  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now that I have started with the blog, I decided to put down a few thoughts. Lots of things going on in the world. We, in this country (though I am yet to be part of that process), elected a black President, the first black President. The man has good oratorical skills, and probably good intentions to make a difference. However, he has a daunting task ahead of him. Good luck to him in turning things around.
Meanwhile, we are getting to that time of the year that I really enjoy. The weather is getting very pleasant. The stores are gearing up for the Holiday Season. There's something nice in the air this time of the year. I do hope all the economic woes do not dampen the spirit of the season, though it seems highly unlikely that the effect will not be seen.
My brush with Applied Behavior Analysis for the kiddo did not turn out too well, and I have asked that further sessions be deferred till the Spring of next year. Why ask for trouble when it is relatively smooth sailing right now....
My jewelery making is making some progress, I just need to find a few people who think it is worth buying..... (fingers crossed). I met a nice lady at Michael's today who had some great tips. I also got a 'half off' coupon for next week that I will put to good use.
Suddenly, I find time a precious commodity. It is fun when it is like that, rather than having lots of it on hand.
I am writing a blog for the first time. When I was asked what I would name it, 'My muses' was the first thing that came to my mind. On checking for availability of the name, I realized that I was really late in getting on this bandwagon. After trying several names, I decided to go for 'Random walks through life' because I am not going to find time for a 'Daily muse', that's for sure.
Also, it was a tribute to this wonderful book I read when I was working for my PhD, called 'A Random Walk in Science'. That was at an age when you feel you can take on the world single handed and can actually change it or help shape it. Well, after many attempts at changing and shaping, some successful and others not, some aimed at the world (those were mostly the unsuccessful ones) and others at people, you realize that things are not easy as they once seemed. Anyways, that book made me the see the humorous side of Science.
I was always told that I should write, and the blogger is a perfect tool for that venture, which I am starting years and years after I was encouraged to write. So, for those who care..... read on.........