Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Whoa, it's been a while!

It's almost spring, after a terrible winter. Terrible not because it was very cold, but because it kept going from cold to warm and then back to cold, with each extreme staying on for not more than two days each. I had put a jacket in the car and had decided not to get it out, one never knew when it would be cold, and when it would get warm again. The weather guys did their best, but then how do you predict exactly what time a cold front will move through your area and drop temperatures 20 degrees in 30 minutes?

Well, I am glad that it almost over, though we are not completely out of the woods yet. The spring flowers are blooming and complaints of allergies are everywhere. We have this inherent tendency to complain, too cold, too warm, allergies, too sunny, too dull, too wet, almost drought..... well, we are all HUMAN! :)

The azaleas up front put up a nice show.

That little rabbit is a fake one, and while I took pictures of the flowers, I realized something was moving among the bushes behind. A closer look revealed a surprise, because what I thought was a baby bird that was learning to fly, turned out to be this guy....

You can hardly see him but it is a rabbit, with its shiny red eye... Easter is round the corner, and I hope people don't let go of bunnies that they decide would be a handful in the house. I am not sure if these things can become pests.

Spring cleaning is almost done. Am I kidding myself? Does cleaning ever get done? I did give away lots of clothes that had gone small and some other stuff. However, I guess about three fourths of it is done and some areas need re-visiting.

How does one accumulate so much stuff? I consider myself to not be a pack rat and I do throw away things every now and then, even then, things just keep accumulating. The weird part is that even after being very organized, when you need something, there is that fifty percent chance you are not going to locate it almost immediately. That feeling when something is not found is the worst feeling there is. You know you just saw it there a few days ago, you could swear it was right there and it eludes you.

Oh for spring cleaning! I need to get back to it.


  1. A nice blog. I had missed it. After that you visited India. Why not publish it in local newspaper. Your friends will like to read it.

  2. Wxcellent. I suggest that you write a column in local newspaper. Many people will be interested

  3. I told you. Please send these to your local newspapwer. It is good enough to attract editor's attention.
