Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Break

The school year is done! Schools are out for summer. By the time the year draws to a close, on one hand, you feel like the year just sped past, and on the other hand, you are so ready for the break. A break from all the routine chores like waking up at early hours of the morning, packing lunches and snacks, getting the kiddo dressed, and fed, and making sure all this is done before the bus is at the door.

Then the driving around for classes begins in the evening, cooking dinner, keeping things ready for the next day, and back to the grind all over again. So the summer break is a nice break from most of these things, except the driving around for classes. That does not feel so bad when the rest of the day has been relatively easy. So, I am not complaining.

Every year, I have a whole list of things I plan to do during summer. I make schedules, chalk out all the stuff to do, and then the laziness starts to set in. I don't end up doing much of what I had in mind. Before I know it, August comes knocking and it is time to start getting the act together to head back to school. A lot of my plans have materialized and I am proud of those achievements, but the others that don't get done as meticulously as I planned them also stare back at me from my schedules. I wonder how this year is going to turn out. As usual, my plans are made, I am excited about the next couple of months.

1 comment:

  1. Summer breaks present a unique opportunity. It used to be time for younger women to take their children to their mama's place. It was a change for good. Time to learn something - swimming or skating. The summer schools for this and that.
