Saturday, December 8, 2012

Stray thoughts

It's not that I have forgotten about this little venture I started several years ago, it's just that it doesn't get prioritized on the list of things to do. The year was a busy one, and I am thankful for that. The creative side has seen a lull lately, and nothing better than a visit to people with nimble fingers who can inspire you to seek out your niche. 

My succulent garden took off earlier this year. I hope it survives the poor excuse of a winter we are experiencing. With the temperatures touching 82 degrees this afternoon, one had to reminded that it was still December, and that Christmas was around the corner, not Easter. 

The evening news yesterday reported a light streaking across the sky in the early hours of the morning. People thought it was lightning, others thought UFOs were on the attack. Experts said it was probably a meteorite burning off in the atmosphere, or it was an early arrival of the Geminids.
Took me back years when I was in college, and my friends and I were sitting outside in the veranda of our hostel, we saw this bright luminous object in the sky, much larger than a star, or an airplane. It seemed to disintegrate after travelling some distance. I wrote to Dr. Jayant Narlikar asking him about it. Was I overjoyed when I saw a reply from him in the mail (yes, those were the days of snail mail). It was a green inland letter, not the regular blue kind. He wrote saying it was probably a meteorite, or a balloon sent up for research that was at the end of its mission. 
I need to dig into my treasures from the past to look for that letter. 

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