Saturday, September 12, 2015

Zen state of mind

Last year, we found a nice walking trail around two large lakes separated by a hillock in between. It was a quiet place at the end of a small street. There were a few people walking the trails and it was nice to find a spot like this in the middle of the city. Armed with my camera, I had a wonderful time taking pictures of several interesting objects all evening. There were mother ducks guarding eggs, young ducklings with their mothers, great blue herons engaged in a courtship ritual and dance and some new kinds of birds I had never seen before.

Then there was this lone heron standing among these trees. Something about the setting made me feel wistful. His reflection in the water, the leaves enveloping his form, the rays of the setting sun and another day drawing to a close. It was my zen moment!

We continued with our walk, and found these bright yellow blooms on the other side of the hillock. The atmosphere was more upbeat here.

Scissor tailed flycatchers were playing on trees on the hillock, their silhouettes with those of the trees made a striking contrast against the grey blue skies.

Long after I got home, the tranquil atmosphere I witnessed at the lake stayed with me. I would often look at the pictures I had taken, to re-live that walk on that beautiful Spring day.

Then one day, I found an article about the art of painting bamboo, which has intrigued me for a long time. It is an oriental art that looks easier than it is. The idea and philosophy behind this art form is very interesting as well. It isn't about perfection of the form itself, as much as it is about the spirit it conveys.
I decided to try it out, the medium I chose was acrylic on canvas, as opposed to watercolor on rice paper. My zen moment was captured on canvas, as best as I possibly could.

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