Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Being by yourself for a while..........

Do you ever get a feeling when you want to be all by yourself for a while? Don't get me wrong. I totally love being amidst people. I have the gift of the gab, and can chat with folks for the longest time. There have been instances when I have had to hang up the phone with friends because both the handsets have lost battery charge. To make sure that does not happen, the new phone I get should have at least 3 handsets... ha! Well, getting back to what I was saying, I like being on my own sometimes.

When I wake up in the morning, I like to be really quiet and am not the kind of person who starts chatting right away. I need a good hour to get to that point. I will say the most necessary things, like.. have your breakfast, take a shower or something very quintessential like that, and may have a comment on the weather, esp. if it is cold. I have gotten to this point after my son was born, and used to be very silent for that hour before he came along. Those who know me, know that that time of the day is not the greatest to ask me for an opinion or to tell me a long story about something esp. someone! I generally give them a look that says... can this wait?? It is not like I sit and meditate at this time, I am up and about and taking care of all kinds of chores, but I do it silently! I do not even listen to music at this time, though a soft, classical piece would be sort of welcome after the first QUIET half hour!

When I visit India, esp. my folks, my mom grumbles about this habit of mine, "you got to change with the times", she says, "you visit for 3-4 weeks, and will keep that hour for yourself"? That's one good hour before the maids begin to arrive and take control of the house. I agree, I have so lost touch with maids coming in everyday, it gets uncomfortable to see them all over the place, with little privacy for one self. (They spoil me rotten by the time I get to the end of my stay, I must admit.) However, mom does have a point, and I feel bad I cannot change my ways.

I cannot live by myself and absolutely NEED family and friends to get by through the day, they are an integral part of my system and their importance can probably be emphasized in another separate piece of writing. However, this piece is about being by oneself. :)

In the afternoons, I am generally by myself. If I am not talking to some friend, which I usually am, I am in my own little world, doing mundane chores side by side. This time can be best utilized to reminisce, about something nice and pleasant.

Just before falling asleep is another such time when you are trying to wind down and fall asleep. There are a lot of lucky people in this world who fall asleep as soon as their back touches the bed. I am envious of those people, I take at least about 20 minutes before I am in dreamland. I have realized that the best ideas and inspirations come to me at this time, only to be forgotten the next morning. I think of the nicest lines to write, the nicest clues to give on our orkut games, the nicest designs for art projects, and the nicest things to do. I have decided to keep a little writing pad on the night stand so I can scribble down the best stuff I can think of, and though this little solution has been in my mind for ever now, it never gets materialized. Again, it is one of those brilliant ideas I get at that time of the night, only to be forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the next morning. As I write this, I am on my way to the nightstand with a pen and notepad. Something good coming out of reminiscing and writing!

Back to the topic of being by oneself,  the caravan of memories is always with you even when you are by yourself. One can rejuvenate in these brief periods of solitude and savor the times that have been enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Solitude in peace is what you had when you wrote this beautiful piece. Yes you need time for yourself. That time allows you to introspect as well as dream about future.
    But getting solitude with peace is not easy.
