Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring is here!

And the cycle of seasons continues! Winter is on its way out and the signs of spring are slowly appearing. An especially harsh winter, in many senses of the word, is finally coming to an end! The yard has taken a beating. The grass, the trees, the shrubs, all cry out for warmer weather and sunshine, and it is almost here. I was out looking at the plants and saw some surprising outcomes after this season.

My Curry plant that I had been given by a friend when it was a tiny sapling about eight inches high, does not look as if it has made it. This was the first winter that I had to keep reminding myself not to run into the yard to bring in the leaves as I cooked, because there were none. It had gotten large, it stood taller than me, and had abundant leaves. I am not sure if it is going to come back to life.

The Asian Jasmine is seventy percent dead, burnt by the frost. The part that is still green has no buds. Usually. at this time of the year, the whole plant takes on a pinkish hue with buds all over. In a few days, there are hundreds of fresh white flowers that are so wonderfully fragrant that people turn heads to look for the source. I had to move it twice before I finally had found this spot for it, right by the front porch, where it did not take a beating from the strong Texas sun in summer. I have had friends drop by for a chat and decided to stand outside and chat instead of sitting indoors, in the lovely fragrant setting.. 

As I walked to examine more damage, I noticed these little things growing out from in between the dead fronds of the Foxtail Asparagus Fern. What a blessing that one survived!

I had two Oleanders that gave abundant flowers all through spring and summer. It appears that they have not made it. I am told to give it time, as they may revive. We pruned the dead branches and allowed for the sun to warm them up and hopefully sprout out some new leaves.

The big palm is alive, but all the leaves are burnt and look a mess. I wonder how much a landscaper will charge to pull down those huge leaves. My Azaleas are looking good, they were the ones I thought will succumb, but there are surprises like that all over the yard. The Roses seem okay, and need to be pruned.

Some not so pretty creatures were out too, looking around with me. Hi there!!!

My maple is bursting with new buds, it is a tree from the temperate region and did not mind the winter that much. Look at that tiny leaf waiting to get out.

That is the story from my yard. Some things make it, some don't. We like the things we love to stick around as long as possible so we can enjoy having them around. We do not always get our wishes. However, life goes on! However harsh the winter, spring is always round the corner brimming with life, freshness and hope!

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