Sunday, February 19, 2017

Color in the yard

A three-day long hard freeze in South Texas earlier in January left a lot of plants in the yard either dead, or looking like they were dead. The dull browns and grays were everywhere. I picked up some Grape Hyacinth, Hyacinth and Iris bulbs from a local nursery and planted them to spruce things up a little! And did they deliver!

This was my first brush with any kind of hyacinth. I read that the flowers were fragrant but I wasn't expecting the sweet, heady scent that settled around the flower bed once the flowers bloomed!

The first one, the Grape Hyacinth (Muscari aucheri 'Blue magic'). It was a tiny inflorescence, the whole plant was not more than 5-6 inches tall. Maybe because it is still young. It can otherwise grow to about 12 inches.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari aucheri 'Blue magic')

The delightful color and the beautiful inflorescence was a feast for the eyes. I should have gotten more bulbs of this kind.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari aucheri 'Blue magic')

As the flowers matured, they exhibited various shades of blue. Truly, it was a great addition to the yard.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari aucheri 'Blue magic')

Hyacinth- A spectrum of colors from white to deep purple emerged from the Hyacinth bulbs I planted. There was white, baby pink, mauve, lilac, magenta and purple, and the flowers were simply gorgeous! Additionally, the fragrance was such a bonus! I wonder why I had never noticed these beauties all these years!

Baby pink Hyacinth

Hyacinth inflorescence- Purple

Hyacinth inflorescence- Mauve

Hyacinth inflorescence- Lilac

Hyacinth inflorescence

Hyacinth inflorescence- White

Hyacinth inflorescence- magenta

The Iris bulbs started out with a bang, with a couple of flowers blooming as soon as the plant was about 4-5 inches tall. I hope to see a good amount of bright blue flowers for another two months.

Iris flowers

A different color to balance out all the cool shades was a welcome change, and this burst of bright orange Violas did just that.


Some more dramatic colors of the Violas. 


The vegetable garden will soon be the focus of attention, but these colorful additions will hopefully be great companion plants!


  1. what a great post Veena!! perfect one for a Monday!!

  2. Love your posts!! Love the photography. The language is a given. Was always envious of your command over the English language.

    1. Thank you, Chetan! Love your feedback... especially coming from an accomplished photographer like yourself!
