Thursday, January 16, 2014

All in a day's work

This week started off very dramatically for a local school that my son attends. I was out running errands and grocery shopping and I got a call. I was asked to pick up my son from school. Their class was moved to the school next door because of a lockdown at their high school. He was supposed to buy lunch that day and since they were at a different campus, buying lunch would've be a problem and it was best that parents got their children and took them home. This is a special needs class so it was a prudent thing to do. The rest of the high school were evacuated into the football field at the back of the school where they were all having a field day trying to figure out what was going on.

What actually was going on is any school official's nightmare. They got a tip that there was a gun in a students backpack. They had to follow protocol and inform authorities and what ensued was a lot of drama in this small but otherwise quiet community. News helicopters hovering over your child's school for the wrong reasons is not a pretty sight. I got calls from several friends and family asking me what was going on. It was even on CNN. It was a tense time for all those involved. By the end of the day, they had the whole thing sorted out with one young man, a student of the school in custody. It will be a while before people know why he chose to come to school with a gun in the backpack or perhaps never. Things settled down and school resumed the next day to the normal bell schedule.

Today, regular emails that the school sends out to parents informing them of routine matters included this line-

Friday, January 17, is a normal dress code day. Despite rumors to the contrary, it is NOT a pajama day. Students arriving in pajamas will be dress coded.

I was so amused, Two days after dealing with such a stressful situation, they had to send out a notice so trivial. All in a day's work I guess!

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