Sunday, January 19, 2014

Some DIY

Almost every January, we have an understanding amongst us friends. One of us hosts the annual event, a potluck dinner for our families, and the specialty for the evening is that we dress up in our traditional festive best and bring along a token gift for all the friends present. So each of us brings something for all the others. What it is, is not important, we try to keep it small, something everyone will like and use. A traditional sesame seed and molasses sweet is also always exchanged during this wonderful gathering, where food is wonderful and so is the company.

This year, as I was walking though stores looking for ideas on what to get for the others, I stumbled upon mason jars and it was my eureka moment! Why, I could make something for all the gals! A sugar scrub is what I settled on. The thought was exciting. I got the jars, searched for recipes and settled on the Vanilla Lavender Brown Sugar Scrub. With all the necessary ingredients in my basket, I got home to get started.

I checked out the internet for packaging tips, and an overwhelming number of them flooded the senses. After some thought, I decided to design and print my own labels. The jars were ready with the labels glued on after a day of planning and designing.

Then came the actual hands-on apothecary, something I don't suppose I'll do very often. Or maybe I will! Measuring and mixing the essential oils and fragrances with sugar, some stirring, and it was all set to go into the jars.

This was a fun experience. It is always exciting to try out something new.

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