Friday, July 22, 2016

Birds in the yard

About ten days ago, I noticed a nest on the oak tree in the front yard. I haven't been spending much time there because the temperatures have been brutal these past few days.
This afternoon, as I waited for my son to get home, I noticed a Mockingbird drying itself, fluffing up its feathers and tilting its head from side to side. It had probably taken a dip in the new birdbath I had put out recently. 

There are a couple of mockingbirds that call our yard home, and it is amusing to listen to the different sounds they can make. Last year, one of their little ones was in our backyard, so perhaps a nest was close by.

As I walked outside with the afternoon sun burning down on my skin, camera in hand, I noticed some movement in the tree. I thought it was the mockingbird, so I crept up slowly to see if I could get a picture. It was a mockingbird alright, but it took off to the tree in the neighbor's yard. It was making noises and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Then there was more movement and I noticed something red. It must be a Northern Cardinal, I deduced. I was right, but it was not an adult. It was a juvenile and was trying to hop from branch to branch to get away from me. I got one picture and decided not to scare it any more, and walked back into the house. So the nest in the tree was that of Cardinals! How interesting!

In about 5 minutes, I tried to sneak outside for one more picture. I could not believe what happened next! Friendly neighborhood Mr. Mockingbird, who had been quiet until then, made noises to warn the Cardinal fledgling, and it started scampering again to get away from me. I gave up and retreated into the house.

It's amazing to see how some birds help each other against a common enemy- in this case, me! And I used to think these were my friends. I have put up a couple of nails near perches on barks of trees in the backyard to put fruit on them so these guys can have easy access.

Oh well! I do my bit, and they act as nature has taught them to. We all call this space our home!

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