Friday, April 21, 2017

In search of the Bald Eagle

Ever since I joined a birding group on Facebook, I became aware of a lot of birds in the area. I would get a general idea where I could go looking for special birds, and it was always fascinating finding them in fields, in thickets and on the coast.

I had heard about Bald Eagles visiting the area for breeding. People would share sightings and I would get very excited, but I didn't get to see one for a long time. Almost two years, to be precise! Many birding trips ended in disappointment. I even ran after a Crested Caracara across a field once thinking it was an eagle! Looking back, it's hilarious! However, these trips led to lifers, the first time sighting of many different birds, so not really disappointing after all!

Crested Caracara

The Crested Caracara is a beautiful bird, and it is commonly found in Texas! The first time I saw one was three years ago while driving around the countryside. It landed on a tree very close to where I was standing.

Crested Caracara

Then it saw me and took off. I did not know what it was called back then, but it was exciting to see this large bird!

Crested Caracara- flying

After that, I ran into it several times. The black mop of 'hair', as I like to call it, on the top if its head, is its distinguishing feature. Looks like a wig, several people said in jest on the birding group. 

Crested Caracara

Then there was the Osprey, another large bird! I was looking out for it when we were driving in Florida and Alabama, but I never got to see it, and then the first time I saw it was at Galveston, Texas!


On a birding visit to a local park, where I had never seen the Osprey before, yielded this surprise one beautiful day in January last year! Caught on camera with its snack, a large fish!

Osprey- with fish

This is a picture where it looked directly at me as it flew overhead to a secure location to enjoy its meal.

Osprey- with fish

In February this year, while on a birding trip to another local park with a friend, I finally managed to see a bald eagle flying high above! I knew it was an eagle because of the zoom feature on my camera. I wasn't very satisfied though, and wished it had gotten a little closer for a better sighting. Severely cropped, this is the picture I took that day. It was visiting the park with a juvenile, but I could not manage a decent picture of the juvenile.

Bald Eagle in flight

After reading about sightings at a nearby park, last Sunday I decided to take another chance. However, I got to the park at a later hour than when most people had seen it. I saw some cormorants feeding on fish, and some egrets, but the eagle was nowhere to be seen. I thought I saw a large bird being chased by some terns, but I dismissed it as a vulture. As I was eyeing some coots in the vicinity, their behavior seemed to change and they seemed to huddle together near the bank. Looking up, I saw a large black bird settle on some pines about two hundred feet away from where I was standing. My heart raced and I started to run towards those trees. Then I decided to slow down, it was not a warbler to keep hopping from branch to branch. If it was what I thought it was, it was the real deal! It would stay put on the tree for a while! 

So I got the tree patch and looked up in the general direction of where I had seen the bird land. And there it was! I simply couldn't stop smiling! What a majestic bird!

Bald Eagle at Houston, TX

How long had I waited to see this beauty!

Bald Eagle at Houston, TX

A bird of prey, and what a handsome one! This one seems to be a juvenile, because of the light brown patch on its head.

Bald Eagle at Houston, TX

At one point, it looked directly at me, and then it seemed intrigued with my camera lens. Nothing was going to scare it though, and it sat there basking in all attention it was getting from a few people who seemed to notice it.

Bald Eagle

Finally, 'bald eagle' was checked off my list! I saw it, and what a memorable sighting An absolutely beautiful bird!

Bald Eagle

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